Planbook is an elegant lesson planning program (Mac and PC) that replaces and improves upon your traditional teachers' plan book.
Main features:
- Enter your classes: add up to 18 courses that you're going to be teaching. Courses can be named what ever you choose.
- Choose the start and end dates for your Planbook. Planbook is fast enough to work with whole school years (or more) in a single file.
- Choose the days that you teach- Teachers can make a schedule that matches their work week and can plan out the time that they spend working on days off!
- Select your type of schedule from a variety of options (same classes every day, weekly repeat, A/B block, 3-14 day rotation).
- If you don't teach the same courses each day, you'll be asked to assign classes (up to 10) to each type of day in your schedule.
- Planbook will then, in seconds, build your book and you can start planning with an intuitive, powerful tool.